The Essay Doctor, Academic proofreading, thesis proofreading, dissertation proofreading

Academic proofreading, thesis proofreading, dissertation proofreading


Essay, dissertation and thesis proofreading services


The Essay Doctor - essay, dissertation and thesis proofreadingMy services include proofreading, grammar-checking, editing and formatting of all academic and literary material. I will ensure that your work is as clear and concise as possible, remove repetition and ensure that essays or dissertations are within your word limit. I will also check that your bibliography is complete and correctly formatted, and that your footnotes and tables are numbered correctly, to ensure that you hand in a truly polished and professional-looking piece of work.

You can submit your essay for proofreading by e-mail - send your essay as a virus-scanned e-mail attachment (in MS Word or Rich Text format only, please) to Advance booking is strongly recommended (I will try to be as flexible as possible, but please note that there is a £20 cancellation fee for advance bookings that are cancelled with less than two working days' notice). Please include, in the main body of the e-mail, your full name, institution, e-mail address and telephone number, and let me know if you have an urgent deadline. I will then correct the document electronically, using the 'track changes' function of Word so that you can see exactly what I have done, and return it to you by e-mail. Please note that I am not generally available at weekends, although I can put you in touch with colleagues who offer a weekend service.

As soon as I receive your work, I will carry out a word-count and e-mail you to let you know the price for proofreading based on my student rate of £9 per thousand words.

Advance booking is strongly recommended, particularly for dissertations and final year projects, as I am very busy in the period leading up to the main University deadlines. If I am fully booked, I can put you in touch with a number of highly experienced colleagues.

Dissertations over 15,000 words, Ph.D. theses and other long works - I can usually return Ph.D. theses at a rate of 10,000 words per day, but advance booking is essential. Please contact me to discuss arrangements. Discounts are available for all documents over 15,000 words - please contact me to arrange a price before sending your work. I might need to see a sample of your document before booking to assess the length of time it will take to proofread.

Payment - By submitting your essay, thesis or dissertation for proofreading, you are agreeing to pay the sum of £10 per thousand words or part thereof within three working days of your document being returned. Note that you are not expected to pay until after you have received your corrected work and verified that you are satisfied, although I reserve the right to charge a deposit for documents over 40,000 words. There is a £20 cancellation fee for advance bookings that are cancelled with less than two working days' notice. I reserve the right to charge the full fee for documents cancelled at less than 24 hours' notice.


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